How To Be Happy

How To Be Happy In Quantum Reality

how-to-be-happyDoes understanding your world teach you how to be happy? Could it really be that easy?

Quantum reality gives us various perspectives of the way the world is, one of which claims Consciousness Creates Reality.

In other words, what shows up in our life is a result of our thoughts, ideas and feelings. The good news is that these are things we have control over, things we can consciously change that will change our lives in the future. 

Is the reality you see around you what you want? If not, ask yourself if your behavior matches your desires and needs. Sometimes we say that we want something but we are unwilling to change our thoughts and actions. Our desires are at cross purposes and they conflict with each other.

For instance, when someone claims to want to lose weight but does nothing to change her eating or lifestyle habits, her lack of action puts her energies at cross-purposes. The desire to be slimmer or healthier is stopped from being manifested by the lack of energy behind it.

How To Change Your Life

Reality is as we see it. Change your point of view and you change your reality. observer-effect

The fastest way to change your life is to become aware of how your life is now. Watch and listen to your words, observe yourself and your behavior. You’ll see what thoughts and feelings are creating your Now.

In quantum science the observer effect is the process where the observer changes the observed through the process of observing. Paying attention to your words and thoughts changes what is. 

The words we speak and the thoughts we think have vibration. (See Hawkins map of conciousness calibrations,) That vibration goes out to the universe like a broadcast message that says Life is a struggle or I am so blessed to have my family which then attracts all the experiences, people and things to support and grow that message in the future.

Finding Inner Peace

finding-inner-peaceFor true happiness, only live the energies you want to have in your future. Catch your negative thoughts and change them to what you want them to be instead. 

Positive vibrations produce empowering and uplifting events. Negative vibrations create a downward spiral of overwhelm, discouragement and dis-empowerment.

Repeating higher-energy thoughts over and over again – out loud or in your head – creates a blueprint for your future even if they are not true now. It teaches you how to be happy. Your tomorrow depends on your today. 

Try this experiment for one day: Repeat the thought, I am so grateful and thankful for my life, for the whole day as if it was a mantra. When you find yourself thinking a negative thought that brings your energy down, replace it with I am so grateful and thankful for my life and see how much lighter you feel.

Reality is a manifestation of our thoughts and will follow our thoughts – eventually manifesting them and creating our future reality. 

Monitoring our thoughts gives us a manual on how to live life as taught by the Great Chinese Philosopher, Lao Tse. Our thoughts are the starting point for finding real happiness:

“Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habit.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”

By following this wisdom, our actions will tend to be more positive-self-talkpositive than negative, creating a higher state of mind. 

Thinking and speaking positive, life-affirming thoughts can show us how to be happy and make us feel inspired and motivated. Over time, positive habits build a person of good character who is kind, grateful, generous, compassionate and respectful of others – one who is truly happy.

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To What is Self Esteem
To Building Self Esteem
To Self Love