Low Self Esteem

How Low Self Esteem Undermines You

Low self esteem is not always obvious.

When that happens to me I start looking at where my thoughts are undermining me. Sure enough, I hear a voice in my head that says, You can’t do that. You’re not good enough.

It’s a voice that I grew up with and lived with most of my life. But it’s not me.

The number of people who suffer from low self confidence is surprising. Did you know that almost 100% of the thoughts and beliefs we carry around belong to other people?

It’s true. We pick up our beliefs, judgments and points of view from others and make them our own. And we don’t even know that we do it. 

Energy Vampires

The causes of feeling worthless are not always clear to us because we rarely analyze our feelings. Most of us simply learn from the people we knew growing up and we never question our behavior. We think it’s just how we were raised. 

The more we question our beliefs and judgments, however, the better our chances of becoming our own person and living a fulfilling life. 

The friends we choose to be around can have a huge influence on how we behave. Have you ever noticed how some people bring lightness and joy to your life? They’re teeming with energy and you love being around them!

Then there are those who make it difficult to enjoy their company:

Energy vampires come in all forms and sizes – meek and obnoxious.
  • the helpless victim you always feel compelled to help out but never know quite how.
  • the drama queen who lives in emotional extremes and takes you with her.
  • the blamer who makes everyone else responsible for his problems.

The first thing to do to recognize energy drainers is to pay attention to how you feel when you are around them. Then take action.

You can always walk away. But if leaving isn’t an option, know you have the personal power to deal with the situation. Try this little exercise to build self confidence when you are around energy drainers. 

When you feel tired or negative in the presence of energy vampires, focus on something that calms you, like sitting on the beach or walking through a forest.

Follow your breath in and out while you’re thinking of the tranquil setting and watch the tension subside. No one will ever know your secret!

How to Be Confident and Overcome Low Self Esteem

Here’s a quick way to release negative feelings that bring your energy down. When you’re feeling depressed or heavy, ask yourself this question, Who does this belong to? then let it go.

overcoming-low-self-esteemDon’t try to analyze it or come up with an answer. Leave it open-ended. If the feeling lightens up, it belongs to someone or something else. Keep asking the question until the feeling dissipates or you can’t hold on to the thought any longer.

Ask this question when you feel depressed, tired, guilty, irritated or that you are somehow wrong.

See how it changes your point of view instantly. You’ll be amazed at how light and free you feel

Value + Action = Change

Overcoming low self esteem is do-able no matter where or when you start. low-self-esteem-signHowever, it takes awareness and commitment to recognize the symptoms of low self esteem and make positive changes. How much do you value your happiness and peace of mind?

Pay close attention your choice of friends and lifestyle decisions. When you learn to make healthier choices, you build self confidence. You know you’ve built a strong sense of self when your life gets easier with each day.

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To What is Self Esteem
To Building Self Esteem
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