Self Esteem Quiz

question-marksThe following self esteem quiz will only take a few minutes to complete. 

When you finish, you’ll have a general idea of your self concept and where you would like to make changes.

The self esteem issues that stand out to you the most are ones to put your attention on for the fastest growth.

How To Take the Self Esteem Quiz

5 Easy Steps

1. List numbers 1 through 15 on a piece of paper. 

2. Read each statement below and write True or False next to the number. 

3. Clear your mind before reading each statement. Read the statement and immediately write your first response. 

4. Answer with as much honesty as you can. Whether your score is high or low doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you see your level of self esteem in each area at this time.

5. Don’t stay on one question too long. If you have a mixed response, write Sometimes.

Caution: Take this quiz at your own risk. Seeing negative aspects about yourself can cause you to quit and feel even more low self esteem. Only take this quiz if you are committed to becoming the change you seek. self-esteem-quiz

There is no right or wrong answer. Your answers can and will change with time. 

You can come back to the self esteem quiz often and retest yourself to see how you score differently.

  1. I feel good about myself even when I make mistakes.
  2. I feel good about myself even when other people don’t like what I do or say.
  3. I am usually a happy person and can pull myself out of a bad mood easily.
  4. I am comfortable expressing my opinions and views even when no one else agrees with me.
  5. When I make a mistake, I usually pick myself up and go on.
  6. I’m not afraid to admit my mistakes openly.
  7. I am comfortable meeting new people.
  8. I make friends easily.
  9. I feel safe and supported most of the time. 
  10. I openly accept criticism.
  11. I live up to my full potential in everything I do.
  12. When I’m interested in something, I usually go after it.
  13. I am confident most of the time. 
  14. I easily show my true feelings without fear of rejection.
  15. Being true to myself is important to me. 

How To Interpret Your Score

Add the number of Yes answers and the number of Sometimes answers.

NOTE: Your Sometimes answers can be added to your Yes score because you can answer True to the statement at least some of the time. 

13 -15 Yes answers means you have high self esteem. Your high score says that you are very well adjusted. You are a seeker and on the path of self actualization. Bravo!

10 – 12 Yes answers means you have better self esteem than most and are still looking for answers! Use the rest of the self esteem activities on this site to support your personal growth.

8 – 11 Yes answers means you are reaching the next level of growth. You are at the right place to improve your self esteem! 

7 or below Yes answers means you have low self esteem. Keep going, your courage will soon pay off!

About Your Self Esteem Quiz Score



This is a great place to start or to continue making the changes that are important to you.

How did you score? Was your score satisfactory to you?

How you feel about your score will tell you how your feel about yourself too.

Evaluating your levels of self esteem is great feedback. 

If your score is lower than you’d like, please continue reading more Self Esteem Insight to help raise your score.

To Self Esteem Quiz
To What is Self Esteem
To Building Self Esteem
To Self Love