While the conscious mind uses less than 1% of your brain for thinking – using the senses, planning and doing all those things that show up in your outer world – the subconscious mind takes up the majority of your brain – over 99% of it!
The subconscious mind is the silent part of the brain that is busy storing all the information that is brought in by the senses and keeping the body systems running efficiently. This part performs all the automatic body functions that keep us alive, so it makes sense that this part knows exactly what your body needs to be well.
The subconscious is the part of the brain from which to get real answers about your well- being!.
Muscle Testing Methods
While traditional muscle testing (as taught by Dr George Goodheart in the 1960’s) requires two people to do the test, I will show you how to test using only yourself, making it fast and easy to get your answers.

First, it’s important to know that your body will normally be drawn to positive things and repelled by negative things, including thoughts and ideas. Your body will communicate a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response indicating a positive or negative answer to your question, so your questions must be asked accordingly.
Use muscle testing to buy your food and health supplements while you’re standing in the store in front of the items you want to buy. Or use it to answer questions about your health and happiness.
The Simple Sway Test

An easy way to get answers from your subconscious mind is to use the Sway Test., used alone without the assistance of another person, making it very convenient to get answers to your questions.
Follow these 4 steps:
- Stand comfortably balanced with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms by your sides.
- Relax completely and let go of your thoughts and worries. Close your eyes if you want to.
- When you make a positive or congruent statement like my name is (say your name), your body will begin to sway forward.
- When you make negative or untrue statement like my name is John (unless your name really is John!) your body will sway slightly backward.
Two-Handed Testing
When you are testing muscles, you will look for the point of resistance (strength) or the point of no resistance (weakness) between one group of muscles and another group as you perform the test.
For instance, if you use the linked-rings test to pull your fingers apart, the muscles will be strong and hold if the answer is ‘yes’. They will let go if the answer is ‘no’.

The linked-rings or linked-O’s test is the easiest of the two-handed tests because the test ‘pulls’ the fingers apart. It can be easily used by both beginners and experienced testers..
Linking your left forefinger and thumb (as in the picture above), insert your right forefinger and thumb from below or above into the ‘O’ of the left hand. Ask your question and pull your right fingers out from the ‘O’ made from the left fingers. If the left ‘O’ breaks your answer is ‘no’. If it holds, your answer is ‘yes’.
Used by more experienced testers, another two-handed test can use a ‘push’ apart technique. Here are 2 variations:
- Link your left pinkie finger and thumb to form an ‘O’. Insert the forefinger and thumb of your right hand into the ‘O’ and push your right fingers out against the left fingers. If the left ‘O’ breaks, your answer is ‘no’. If it holds, your answer is ‘yes’.
- A variation of this technique uses the left forefinger and thumb instead of the pinkie finger.
Note: A left-hand dominant person can do these same techniques using the left hand to push or pull and the right hand to form the ‘O’.
It will soon become apparent that what you are doing is testing the strength of one group of muscles against another group of muscles. As stated earlier, a positive answer will give a strong reaction and a negative answer will give a weak reaction.
Single-Hand Testing
A more advanced testing method is with a single hand where the muscles of one finger push against the muscles of another finger.You can use this or another variation of this test method when you are a more experienced tester.

As shown in the picture, the middle finger is pushing against the forefinger of the left hand. This same test can be done by pushing the forefinger down on the middle finger. Try it both ways and try using either right or left hand!
There is no wrong way to muscle test. There is only the right way for you.
How to Communicate with Your Inner Self
Muscle Testing is a system that is used for obtaining information, from
the body when gentle force is applied to specific muscle groups.. Some
people have perfected the art of muscle testing to retrieve information
from the non-physical Akashic Records, where all information that is,
ever has been and ever will be is stored.
To start training, yourself in this art, choose one of the methods above
and practice testing yourself for “yes” and “no” answers, Some advanced
users use a one-hand method. For long periods of testing, it’s best to
use a two-hand testing method.
Ask “What is a ‘yes’?” then test. Your test answer should be a positive
muscle test. The muscles being tested will feel strong and hold under
the pressure..
Then ask “What is a ‘no’?” Your muscle test answer should be a negative
response. It will feel weak and unable to hold under the pressure of the
You can also test just by saying “My name is (insert your name here)”. Your test answer should be positive or strong. When you say “My name is (insert a name that is not yours)”. Your test answer should be weak. You can also just say the words ‘love’ and ‘hate‘. Your answers should be positive and negative, respectively.
If you do not get a clear answer, you may need to re-balance your energy or re-hydrate or both. Run your hand over the top of your head 3 times (front to back) to stimulate the Governing Energy Meridian and drink a glass of pure, filtered water.
After you have established the difference between a “yes” answer and a
“no” answer, try questions from different view points, like these:
- Is this food good for me? Will it make me strong? Will it make me weak?
- Is taking this supplement good for my health?
- Is my best dose 1 capsule? 2 capsules? etc.
- Is it in my best interest to take this supplement for 1 day, 1 week, etc?
By continuing to ask your subconscious mind questions using muscle
testing, you will be strengthening your intuition and inner knowing. You
may eventually just ‘know’ the answers without even testing.
The questions you can ask are limitless. Be creative and remember to
pose ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions only. Ask any questions you want – about
your physical health, your emotional health and your spiritual health.
Happy testing!