Nano Soma Supplement

I’ve recently been researching and testing a product that I believe is in line with the energy clearing and activation work that I have been engaged in for over 10 years, and more broadly throughout the last 40 years. While my focus has always been to use and treat food as my medicine, food would be useless without healthy body systems and functions, so it’s good to know a little about how the body works.

Please use this link to buy Nano Soma. It is my affiliate link. Thank you for your support. 

The secret to good health is good cell health. A new cell is only as healthy as the previous cell that it is copied from, unless the DNA blueprint is upgraded. The cell nucleus holds the original DNA blueprint for cell reproduction. If it has been damaged or compromised, it will print the damaged cell code into each new cell that is being reproduced. Every cell reproduces at its own rate. Some cells, like those in the eyes, renew within 24 hours and others take longer, like every 7 years for femur bone cells.

Many of the body’s pathways become blocked from the multitude of toxins in the air, water and food and cannot deliver nutrition to the cells or remove waste from the cells. Those channels can be overwhelmed, overactive, fatigued or deficient in certain nutrients, such as minerals. Drugs and other toxins can also create incorrect signaling through the body’s many communication networks, channels and receptor sites. As it works in energy healing, the body can heal itself when the blockage is removed.

I am very happy to share with you a liquid supplement that returns the DNA to its original blueprint. It is called Nano Soma (‘nano’ meaning very small and ‘soma’ meaning an immortality drink of the gods in Vedic literature.)

Nano Soma works by supplying a substance to the nucleus of the cell that has an energetic signature that ensures all biochemical pathways are running to completion. What should not be in the body gets kicked out and subsequent new cells are reproduced healthier than parent cells, which triggers the body’s natural healing through innate intelligence. Most people find that they can reduce the amount of their intake of supplements, medicines and even food when using Nano Soma regularly. Some people are experiencing reverse-aging symptoms such as the breakdown and removal of deposits in joints (arthritis), more strength and endurance, better digestion and elimination, more defined muscles or a glow that has returned to their skin.

I became an affiliate to share Nano Soma with my clients and friends. Feel free to contact me with your questions.

Please use this link to buy Nano Soma. It is my affiliate link. Thank you for your support.

Your purchase helps support my work. Thank you.

For an informative view from founder Dr Raghavan, watch this short clip from early June 2021.

Nano Soma has been independently extensively tested and verified. It is safe even for babies and elderly. It has been rigorously tested, holds patents for many applications and hundreds of pages of amazing testimonials fill the archives. Here are some of the results.